New Enclosures For uBitx Nextion Display

ubitx nextion 5 Inch Display enclosure

We have restarted production of uBitx Enclosures.

The following enclosures are now available in stock.

1. uBitx Enclosure 2.8 inch Maroon Color And 1602 Display

ubitx case maroon
universal case for ubitx maroon

2. uBitx Enclosure 2.8 Inch Black Color And 1602 Display

ubitx black
black case ubitx

3.uBITX Enclosure 2.8 inch Blue with Silver.

4. uBitx Enclosure For Nextion Display 5 inch with AGC And VU Meter Blue Color

ubitx nextion 5 Inch Display enclosure
ubitx nextion 5 Inch Display enclosure


5. uBitx Enclosure For Nextion Display 5 inch With AGC And Oled display Black Color.

ubItx case 5 Inch Nextion
uBitx enclosure 5 inch nextion display

The idea to use a Oled 0.9inch was to give builders more choice to use it in different ways they would like to use it.

The oled 0.9 inch could be used as a digital VU Meter with AGC kit or used as a as a SWR meter with appropriate circuit.

Other options could be tried best with the user to decide.

We have plans for making the ubitx kit with through hole components as we now have permission from OM Farhan to provide DIY uBitx Kits, we are very thankful to Farhan who has provided us this opportunity.

We hope you would keep supporting our business and do let us know what new kits or enclosures to introduce.

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