Audio Mute kit for Transceiver’s
The audio mute delay kit is been designed for Bitx builders, who may
be experiencing loud noise when Bitx PTT is pressed to transmit.
The Audio Mute circuit operates in the following way.
The 555 timer is connected to the PTT switch and generates a 100
msec pulse when PTT is engaged and another 100 msec pulse
when PTT is released.
The 555 timer is configured as a deb-ounce circuit, so contact
bounce of the PTT switch does not initiate any new pulses.
The output of the 555 timer and the PTT switch signal are combined
in logic to form two signals, a mute command and a transmit
command. The mute command turns on Q16 of the Exciter board
which shorts the audio signal to ground, and no sound is heard from
the speaker.
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