The New Easy Bitx SSB TCVR kit for 20/40/80mt is ready.
The Kit is ready and available in our store.
The Manual is complete and available for download from the links below.
- Building Easy Bitx Version 1
- Boxing Easy Bitx
- AGC Easy Bitx
- Coils Easy Bitx
- Voltage reading Easy Bitx
The Easy Bitx Kit can be build for any band
20mt 40mt or 80mt.
The kit is supplied for 20mt, if it is to be build for other bands then only the BPF and LPF coils have to be changed accordingly for which details have been provided in the documentation.
The Kit can be purchased with or with out the SI5351 VFO BFO, various options are available.
The Easy Bitx does not have a on board BFO, so the SI5351 is to be used.
The Kit comes in various options which will be listed on the shopping cart pages.
We shall be constantly updating about any news with Easy Bitx.
The manual is written in laymen language and high technical stuff is avoided.
The instruments that are required for building the easy bitx.
- Multi meter
- RF Probe
- Soldering iron 25 Watts
- LCR Meter, optional but preferred.
- The kit uses 1% Metal Film resistors to care is to be taken to read the resistor value correctly and then only mount on the board as its a double sided board, it may get damaged on constant desolating the components
- The Band Pass Filter coils have to be self wound on Toko type coils. The coils work excellent as our Build for 40mt and 20mt work good. Optional build low pass and band pass filters could be used from for those who have difficulty in winding coils.
- Any Si5351 BFO VFO can be used.
- Suitable SMA connectors and RF cable provided with kit.
- More info in documents,please read them.