The bitx still lives on!
While we are building the ubitx and newer Easy Bitx there
are still hams who are working on the Vintage Bitx 3.
I remember that this was the first batch board’s bitx version
3 that were shipped many years back worldwide to hams.
Bitx has been a source of inspiration for many builders.
Worldwide who have made it for single band or multiband.
I have received an email from Om Tony whose call sign is
Here he has given detail info about his experience building
The Bitx for 3 bands 7, 14 and 21 mhz.
The interesting thing here is that he has used varactor
tuning for band pass filters with 1sV149. The details of
Schematic and pictures of his build are attached.
He has also used a Crystal filter with DDS as the VFO.
So given below are the contends of the email from Om Antonio EA5HYW
to me
Holla Sunil
My name is Antonio Serrano, ex ec5abg my new callsign is EA5HYW
I have been proposing a simple and effective multiband
Equipment for some time based on other hf equipment such as
The ten tec argonaut 505, the bitx and military equipment,
The great challenge was the band pass filter and the vfo,
Now with the implementation of the dds the vfo and vxo are
Already achieved,
The bi-directional variable pass band pass filter is
Challenging and following in the footsteps of EA3PD and its
Multiband receivers,
This filter eliminates many and expensive switched filters
And with an acceptable selectivity in the bands it covers,
it works continuously from 7 to 21 mhz and all the bands
Within this segment, it can be expanded or made monoband,
With a single command we can find the appropriate
Selectivity at maximum noise,
As for the power stage, the irf510 gives me bad results
From 14mhz. I am going to install the vk3ye PA stage in the
beach40. I have it working with a bc547 pre driver, bd139
Driver, 2sc2078 final. 4w clean and economy stage.
The band pass filters are 4 mechanically switched each one
covers 2 bands from 7 to 21mhz I plan to go up to 28mhz is
all experiment.
When everything is finished I will give you all the
Information Now I have many problems with the dds it has a
lot of noise and spurious.
We will be in touch.
Tony EA5HYW.
Pictures of the Bitx 3 Build By Tony EA5HYW
So that was an interesting idea after all !
New amateurs getting ticket should try to build an ssb
tcvr and Bitx happens to be the most simple design for an
ssb transceiver.
We have made it simpler for you with our new kit ‘Easy
Bitx’ which can be build in15 Steps. A complete manual is
Available on our website which explains how to build the
transceiver in step by step method.
Easy Bitx is a mono band ssb transceiver for 20mt band it
Can also be build for 40mt and 80mt band.
The RF power output is 3 watts on 20mt band.
The kit comes with a build and working si5351 BFO VFO and automatic gain control kit.